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Hello Students we are providing mcqs of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity These objective questions is very helpful for your study because these question cover a wide topic and easy to understand

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  • these mcqs are important because these questions cover a wide topic of the chapter
  • mcqs are easy to understand
  • mcqs break the big topic in some small topic so they are easy to learn
  • they give a short revision at the time of class 12 Physics exam

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We have provided objective questions of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity with answers these questions help to understand the concept very easy for student

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recently many examination board have declared that their question paper of exam contain more than 25% objective questions so by the marks purpose mcqs of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity is very important

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1. Two cells of 1.25 V and 0.75 V are connected in series with anode of one connected to cathode of the other. The effective voltage will be

  1. 2.0 V

  2. 0.75 V

  3. 1.25 V

  4. 0.50 V

Answer - A

Explanation - The cells support each other.


2. Two cells of 1.25 V and 0.75 V are connected in series with anode of one connected to anode of the other. The effective voltage will be

  1. 2.0 V

  2. 1.25 V

  3. 0.50 V

  4. 0.75 V

Answer - C

Explanation - The cells are in opposition.


3. A current of 2 A flows in conductors as shown. The potential difference VA- VB will be

  1. +2 V

  2. -1 V

  3. +4 V

  4. +1 V

Answer - D

4. The instrument for the accurate measurement of the e.m.f of a cell is

  1. a potentiometer

  2. a slide wire bridge

  3. a voltmeter

  4. an ammeter

Answer - A

Explanation - Both potentiometer and voltmeter are devices to measure potential difference. Emf is the terminal p.d between the electrodes of a cell in open circuit, i.e., when no current is drawn from it. Potentiometer measures the potential difference using null deflection method, where no current is drawn from the cell; whereas voltmeter needs a small current to show deflection. So, accurate measurement of p.d is done using a potentiometer.

5. Potentiometer measures the potential difference more accurately than a voltmeter, because

  1. It has a wire of high resistance.

  2. It has a wire of low resistance.

  3. It draws a heavy current from an external circuit.

  4. It does not draw current from an external circuit.

Answer - D

Explanation - Potentiometer measures the potential difference using null deflection method, where no current is drawn from the cell; whereas voltmeter needs a small current to show deflection. So, accurate measurement of p.d is done using a potentiometer.

6. In a potentiometer experiment, for measuring internal resistance of a cell, the balance point has been obtained on the fourth wire. The balance point can be shifted to fifth wire by

  1. putting a suitable resistance in series with the cell

  2. putting a shunt resistance in parallel with the cell

  3. increasing the current due to auxiliary battery

  4. decreasing the current due to auxiliary battery

Answer - D

Explanation - If the current due to the auxiliary battery is decreased, the potential gradient will be decreased, so the balancing length increases.

Thus, null point will move to the fifth wire.

7. It is observed in a potentiometer experiment that no current passes through the galvanometer, when the terminals of the cell are connected across a certain length of the potentiometer wire. On shunting the cell by a 2 Ω resistance, the balancing length is reduced to half. The internal resistance of the cell is

  1. 18 Ω

  2. 4 Ω

  3. 9 Ω

Answer - C

8. The sensitivity of the potentiometer can be increased by:

  1. increasing the length of potentiometer wire.

  2. decreasing the length of potentiometer wire.

  3. increasing the e.m.f. of primary cell.

  4. increasing the potential gradient.

Answer - A

Explanation - A potentiometer is considered to be sensitive if the potential gradient dVdl is low. Such a potentiometer can measure very small changes in potential difference. Increasing the length of the potentiometer wire decreases the potential gradient. Its sensitivity increases. Increasing potential gradient decreases the sensitivity, increasing the emf of the primary cell and by decreasing the length, potential gradient increases.

9. Two resistances are connected in the two gaps of a meter bridge. The balance points is 20 cm from the zero end. When a resistance of 15 ohm is connected in series with the smaller of the two resistances, the null point shifts to 40 cm. The smaller of the two resistances has the value (in ohm)

  1. 9

  2. 8

  3. 12

  4. 10

Answer - A

Explanation - Let the resistances be P and Q. When balanced,


When another resistance is connected in series,


From (i) and (ii),


⇒ 3P + 45 = 8P

⇒ 5P = 45


10.Kirchhoff’s second law is a consequence of law of conservation of

  1. momentum

  2. charge

  3. angular momentum

  4. Energy

Answer - D

Explanation - Work done in moving a charge in a closed circuit is zero, therefore the algebraic sum of potential differences in a closed circuit is zero.

11.In a meter bridge, when galvanometer and cell positions are interchanged,

  1. Exactly same relation between four resistance is obtained

  2. No relation is obtained between four resistances

  3. Inverse relation between four resistance is obtained

  4. Can’t predict the relation

Answer - A

Explanation - The battery in the circuit (1) shown is connected between A and C, while the galvanometer is connected between B and D. In the bridge balanced condition, PR=QS

When the battery and the galvanometer are interchanged, the circuit takes the form (2). The circuit (2) can be redrawn as circuit (3). The ratio of the resistances in the bridge balanced condition is PQ=RS which is same as, PR=QS

12. An ammeter together with an unknown resistance in series is connected across two identical batteries each of emf 1.5 V. When the batteries are connected in series, the galvanometer records a current of 1A and when the batteries are in parallel, the current is 0.6A. Then the internal resistance of the battery is

  1. 1/4Ω

  2. 1/3Ω

  3. 1/2Ω

  4. 1/5Ω

Answer - B

Explanation - When the batteries are in series, the internal resistances are in series. Both emf and the internal resistances add up.


and in parallel combination, 0.6=2×1.5(r2+R)⇒5=2R+r....(ii)

From equation (i) and (ii),


13. A battery is connected with a potentiometer wire. The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. If the length of the potentiometer wire of the same material and radius is doubled then

  1. Potential gradient does not change

  2. Potential gradient becomes two times

  3. Potential gradient becomes half

  4. None of these

Answer - A

Explanation - Potential gradient is given by V/l. If V and l are constant, the potential gradient also remains constant. The change in the radius will cause a change in the current. This does not change the potential gradient.

14. A potential difference of 220 V is maintained across 12000 Ω rheostat. Then voltmeter V has a resistance of 6000 Ω and point C is at one fourth the distance from a to b. Then the reading of voltmeter is

  1. 45 volt

  2. 40 volt

  3. 30 volt

  4. 60 volt

Answer - B

Explanation - Resistance R = 14R = 120004 = 3000 parallel

1Rp=1Rac+1RV =13000+16000=12000; Rp=2000Ω

This is in series with Rbc.

Rbc = R - Rac = 12000 - 3000Ω = 9000Ω

Req = Rp + Rbc = 9000 + 2000 = 11000Ω.

The current in the circuit I=22011000=0.02A

The reading of the voltmeter is the potential drop across Rp, V =  0.02 × 2000 = 40 V

15.Figure shows current in a part of an electrical circuit. Then current I is

  1. 2.5 A

  2. 1.5 A

  3. 2.1 A

  4. 0.5 A

Answer  - A

Explanation - Using Kirchhoff’s junction rule at junction A,

2 + 5 - 2 - 1 + IAB = 0 ; IAB = -4 Amp

The current IAB is directed away from the junction A.

Using the junction rule at B,

4 + 0.2 - 1.7 - I = 0

I = 2.5 Amp


mcqs test
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class 12 Physics
class 12 Physics chapter 3
class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity
class 12 Physics lesson 3
class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity
class 12 mcqs
class 12 Physics mcqs
class 12 Physics chapter 3 mcqs
class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity mcqs
class 12 objective questions
class 12 Physics objective questions
class 12 Physics chapter 3 objective questions
class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity objective questions
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mcqs of class 12 Physics
mcqs of class 12 Physics chapter 3
mcqs of class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity
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objective questions of class 12 Physics
objective questions of class 12 Physics chapter 3
objective questions of class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity
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class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity
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class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity mcqs
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class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity mcqs objective questions
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mcqs of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity
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objective questions of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity
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most important questions of class 12 Physics
most important questions of class 12 Physics chapter 3
most important questions of class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity
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most important questions of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity
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class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity,
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class 12 Physics chapter 3 Current Electricity objective questions,
class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity mcqs,
class 12 Physics objective questions,
class 12 Current Electricity mcqs,
most important questions of class 12 Physics lesson 3 Current Electricity,

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