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Hello Students we are providing mcqs of class 11 Chemistry lesson 9 Hydrogen These objective questions is very helpful for your study because these question cover a wide topic and easy to understand

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  • these mcqs are important because these questions cover a wide topic of the chapter
  • mcqs are easy to understand
  • mcqs break the big topic in some small topic so they are easy to learn
  • they give a short revision at the time of class 11 Chemistry exam

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We have provided objective questions of class 11 Chemistry lesson 9 Hydrogen with answers these questions help to understand the concept very easy for student

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Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table and has a resemblance to alkali metals as well as with halogens. However, its placement in the periodic table has been a subject of discussion in the past. Currently, hydrogen is placed in which group?

A. 17
B. separate group
C. 1
D. 4

Answer - B

Explanation - H properties match with alkali metal as well as halogens so it is placed separately.

Hydrogen has three isotopes: protium, deuterium, and tritium. Which of them is radioactive and emits beta particles?

A. Tritium
B. Protium
C. Protium under certain conditions
D. Deuterium

Answer - A

Explanation - Due to unfavourable neutron to proton ratio, tritium emits low energy beta particles.

Metal hydride on treatment with water gives:

B. Acid
C. Hydrogen
D. H₂O

Answer - C

Explanation - Hydrogen
KH + H₂O = KOH + H₂

The giant planets Jupiter and Saturn consist mostly of ________.

A. nitrogen
B. hydrogen
C. oxygen
D. carbon dioxide

Answer - B

Explanation - The name ‘gas giant’ was coined in 1952 by science fiction writer James Blish to refer to all the giant planets. The giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) are huge gas balls, which is quite different than Earth and the other three rocky inner planets. Gas giants are primarily composed of gases, such as hydrogen and helium, and a much thicker layer of metallic hydrogen, along with a molten rocky core.
Unlike rocky planets, gas giants do not have a well-defined surface, and there is no clear boundary between where the atmosphere ends and the surface begins. In other words, you wouldn’t be able to land on these planets, as their atmospheres simply become gradually denser towards the core, perhaps with liquid or liquid-like states somewhere in between.

In the earth’s atmosphere, hydrogen exists:

A. in the form of tritium
B. in the form of deuterium
C. in the form of protium
D. in the combined form with other elements and compounds.

Answer - D

Explanation - In the combined form it constitutes 15.4% of the earth crust and the ocean.

Heavy hydrogen is also called _______.

A. Deuterium
B. Protium
C. Tritium
D. Dihydrogen

Answer - A

Explanation - Deuterium, (D or 2H), also called heavy hydrogen, an isotope of hydrogen with a nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron, which is double the mass of the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen (one proton). Deuterium has an atomic weight of 2.014.

For the synthesis of methanol and a number of hydrocarbons, the compounds used are:

A. mixture of C, Zn and H
B. mixture of CO and H
C. mixture of C and H
D. mixture of CO and H

Answer - D

Explanation - A mixture of CO and H2 in any ratio is called synthesis gas or syngas as it is used in the synthesis of methanol and a number of hydrocarbons.

Dihydrogen reacts with dioxygen to form water. The reaction is:

A. Slightly endothermic
B. Highly endothermic
C. Occurs at room temperature
D. Highly exothermic

Answer - D

Explanation - The formation of water from its elements produces, in addition to water, a tremendous amount of energy, 572 kJ to be exact.
2H+ O₂ = 2HO + Energy
This is an example of an exothermic reaction, a reaction that produces energy. It is also an example of what is called a combustion reaction, where a substance (in this case hydrogen gas) is combined with oxygen.

Dihydrogen is used in fuel cells for generating electrical energy because:

A. releases lesser energy per unit mass of fuel
B. the surface tension is low
C. does not produce any pollution
D. rather unreactive at moderate temperatures

Answer - C

Explanation - The fuel cell was invented in 1839 by Welsh lawyer Sir William Robert Grove. It takes in Hydrogen and Oxygen from the air and puts out electricity, heat, and water. It doesn't use fossil fuels and it doesn't produce greenhouse gases and so it should be the ideal solution to providing distributed or portable electrical power.

Dihydrogen under certain reaction conditions combines with almost all elements to form binary compounds, called hydrides except with few which are given below choose one of the options:

A. p-block elements
B. Noble gases
C. Transition elements
D. Alkali metals

Answer - B

Explanation - Noble gases are inert and have high ionisation enthalpy. Hence, they do not form any hydrides.

Hydrogen compounds of non-metals are volatile compounds because:

A. they are non-stoichiometric hydrides
B. they are salt-like hydrides
C. they are covalent
D. they are ionic

Answer - C

Explanation - Covalent hydrides: They are formed when the hydrogen molecule reacts with the p block elements. The most common examples, in this case, are CH4 and NH3. The hydrogen compounds formed with non-metals are also called hydrides. They are covalent and volatile compounds.

Most of the s-block elements form dihydrogen compounds which are:

A. highly electronegative
B. covalent
C. highly electropositive
D. neutral

Answer - C

Explanation - Ionic hydrides are formed when hydrogen molecule reacts with most s-block elements which are highly electropositive in nature. In solid-state, the ionic hydrides are crystalline, non-conducting, and non-volatile. However, in a liquid state, it conducts electricity. Ionic hydrides on electrolysis liberate hydrogen gas at the anode.

The ionic hydrides are crystalline, non-volatile but on melting does one of the following:

A. Liberates lithium at anode
B. Liberate water
C. Liberates dihydrogen gas at cathode
D. Conducts electricity

Answer - D

Explanation - They are formed when hydrogen molecule reacts with most s-block elements which are highly electropositive in nature. In solid-state, the ionic hydrides are crystalline, non-conducting, and non-volatile. However, in a liquid state, it conducts electricity. Ionic hydrides on electrolysis liberate hydrogen gas at the anode.

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