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Hello Students ! Hope you all are doing well. We are Glad to Inform you that we are providing A whole new sets of objective based questions for your CA FOUNDATION LOGICAL REASONING (PAPER - 3) EXAMINATION in which you are getting most important Chapterwise MCQs for all the Chapters of MATHS,LOGICAL REASONING AND STATISTICS 

  • These MCQs are specially designed to give a quick and comprehensive view just before your examination
  • There are More than 100+ MCQs of this particular chapter that cover 100% part of your chapter

Q.1. Laxman went 15 Kms. to North then he turned West and covered 10 Kms. Then he turned South and covered 5 kms. finally turning to East he covered 10 Kms. which direction is he moving now?
    (a) East
    (b) West
    (c) North
    (d) South
Answer - (a)

Q.2. A man is facing East, then he turns left and goes to 10 metres then turns right and goes 5 metres then goes 5 metres to the South and from there 5 metres to West In which direction is he from his original place?
    (a) East
    (b) West
    (c) North
    (d) South
Answer - (c)

Q.3. X walks southwards and then turns right then left and then right. In which direction is he moving now?
    (a) South
    (b) North
    (c) West
    (d) South-west
Answer - (c)

Q.4 Mr. Raman starts walking in the morning facing the Sun. After sometimes, he turned to the leftAfter sometimes later again he turned to his left. In what direction is he moving now?
    (a) East
    (b) North
    (c) West
    (d) South
Answer - (c)

Q.5 I stand with my right hand extended side-ways towards South. Towards which direction will my back be?
    (a) East
    (b) South
    (c) North
    (d) West
Answer - (d)

Q.6 You go towards North, after sometimes turn right, then right then go to the left. In which direction are you now moving?
    (a) East
    (b) South
    (c) West
    (d) North
Answer - (a)

Q.7. Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, ST and UIfQ gets a North facing flat and is not next to SS and U get diagonally opposite flatR next to U gets a South facing flat and T gets a North facing flatWhose flat is between Q and S?
    (a) T
    (b) U
    (c) R
    (d) P
Answer - (a)

Q.8 Anoop Starts walking towards South. After walking 15 metres he turns towards NorthAfter walking 20 metres he turns towards East and walks 10 metres. He then turns towards South and walks 5 metres. In which direction is he from the original position?
    (a) North
    (b) South
    (c) East
    (d) West
Answer - (c)

Q.9 Rahim started from point X and walked straight 5 km. East, then turned left and walked straight 2 km. and again turned left and walked straight 7 km. In which direction is he from the point X ?

Answer - (d)

Q.10. A man started walking towards East. After moving a certain distance, he turns to his right. After moving some distance, he turns to his right again. After moving a little he turns now to his left currently, he is going in direction.
    (a) East
    (b) West
    (c) South
    (d) North
Answer - (c)

Q.11. Manu wants to go to the market. He starts walking from his house towar North reaches at a crossing after 30 m. He turns towards East, goes 10m till the seco crossing and turns again, moves towards South straight for 30 m where marketi complex exists. In which direction is the market from his house?
    (a) North
    (b) South
    (c) East
    (d) West
Answer - (c)

Q.12. Sangeeta leaves from her home. She first walk 30 metres in North-West direction, and then 30m in South West direction, next she walks 30 metres in South- East direction. Finally she turns towards her house. In which direction is she moving?
    (a) North-West
    (b) North-East
    (c) South-East
    (d) South-West
Answer - (b)

Q.13. When a person faces north and walk 25m and he turn right and walk 20m and again turns left and walk 25m, and turns right 25 m and turns right and walks 40m. In which direction is he now from his starting point?
    (a) North-West
    (b) North-East
    (c) South-East
    (d) South-West
Answer - (b)

Q.14. Madhuri moved a distance of 75 metres towards North. She then turned to her left and walked about 25m, turned left again and walked 80m. Finally she turned to the right at an angle of 45. In which direction was she moving finally?
    (a) South-East
    (b) South-West
    (c) North-West
    (d) North-East
Answer - (c)

Q.15. A person is facing towards NorthHe moves 70° clock-wise direction. Again he is moving 300 clock-wise direction. Now, in which direction is he presently facing?
    (a) North-West
    (b) South-East
    (c) North-East
    (d) South-West
Answer - (c)

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ca foundation Logical Reasoning chapter 2 Direction Tests
ca foundation Logical Reasoning chapter 2 mcqs
ca foundation Logical Reasoning chapter 2 Direction Tests mcqs
ca foundation Logical Reasoning chapter 2 objective questions
ca foundation Logical Reasoning chapter 2 Direction Tests objective questions

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ca foundation Direction Tests objective questions

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