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Price to Earnings (PE Ratio) Calculator simple and free wat to calculate PE Ratio Online

P/E Ratio Calculator

P/E Ratio Calculator

The P/E (Price-to-Earnings) ratio is a valuation metric for a company, often used to determine whether a stock is over or undervalued. It represents the ratio of a company's current share price to its earnings per share (EPS). A higher P/E ratio indicates that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in the future compared to companies with a lower P/E ratio.

The P/E ratio can be calculated using one of the following formulas:

  • Market Value / Net Earnings After Taxes: This method uses the company's total market value divided by its net earnings.
  • MPS (Market Price per Share) / EPS (Earnings per Share): This method uses the market price per share divided by the earnings per share.
  • 1 / Cost of Equity: This method uses the inverse of the company's cost of equity, multiplied by 100.

Method 1: Market Value / Net Earnings After Taxes

P/E Ratio: -

Method 2: MPS (Market Price per Share) / EPS (Earnings per Share)

P/E Ratio: -

Method 3: 1 / Cost of Equity

P/E Ratio: -
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